Bharat Human Rights Orgnization (BHRO)

Bharat Human Rights Organisation (BHRO) was established u/s 10 of bye law of Global Arthik Samajik Sahyog Samiti (GASSS) on dated 04/02/2022 vide File / Ref no. 219/2022 with additional documentation File / Ref no. GASSS/225/2023, dated 24/03/2023, and run by GASSS. Which is established to promote and protect human rights and also to work for social justice and social activities by giving support to the public as needed according to the bylaws of the organisation nationwide.

Bharat Human Rights Organisation (BHRO) is a non government, non political, non religious, voluntary organisation committed for the welfare of poor, down- trodden and socially outcast people of the society under the Constitution of India. The organisation is also providing its valuable services for various technical and social causes.

The creation of a human rights organisation within the ambit of a larger social and economic cooperation society suggests a commitment to addressing human rights concerns in a holistic context, potentially integrating social and economic aspects into its mission.

Target Group:

Rural Poor Communities specially women and children, Communities who are below the poverty line, labors and artisans etc.

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