Vocational Training Program:
Vocational Training is very useful for community people. It is helpful to create a motivation and supportive atmosphere for livelihood and Income Generation, especially among women and adolescent girls. The entire training program organized based on Local needs and market.
At present time these centers are providing life skill training programmes to the community people. Main training programs are – beautician, cutting & tailoring, soft toys, Bee Keeping, MCR, Goiter, and Poultry Farming.
Area of Operation:
Mangolpuri, Delhi- 110083
- To make theme Self Depended
- To buildup the capacity
- To Improve the management systems
- Training through participatory methods
- Methods of marketing analysis by experts
- Tools and techniques on management
- Practices/practical
- Field visit (success business)
Target Population: 10 Self -Help Groups
Impact Assessment:
- Increase self depended of woman
- 4 Women groups’ traing on Cutting and
- 2 women groups trained on Agarbatti Making
- Sum women groups started self-Agarbatti Manufacturing business
- Some women started training center for women